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What your credit says about you!

December 20th, 2011 6:59 AM by Nathan Rufty

You here it more and more today, credit is everything. that is how the lending community, auto dealers, credit card companies and sometime employment judge you, is your credit. You have someone behind a desk running your credit and judging you based on 3 scores, if all 3 of them are there. So your credit does not depick who you are as a person. It is unfortunately situation that we base your rate and a job based on that number. There are a lot of ways you can improve or at least maintain a healthy credit score.

  • Keep revolving balance low, about 30% of the limit
  • do not open to many accounts in a short period of time
  • do not over extend your limit on the credit card
  • pay all debt on time
  • do not run your credit report over and over in a 6 month span
  • do not allow any collections or judgements appear on your credit
  • do not max yourself out on the credit cards
  • have at least 3 open tradelines in good standing

Take these small steps to improve or build your credit.

Posted in:General
Posted by Nathan Rufty on December 20th, 2011 6:59 AM



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